A Breakthrough Approach to Internet Marketing Success
Is Your Brain Wiring Holding You
Back From Being A Successful
Internet Marketer?
Watch How to Get Rid of the Mental Blocks That Are Stopping You From Succeeding!
Are you an Internet marketer who is having limited success?
Are you fairly new to Internet marketing?
Are you are an experienced Internet marketer but you are struggling to reach greater levels of success?
If you are one of these people, you can now take control of your success by taking charge of your brain wiring and eliminating your mental blocks.
But first, let me tell you a bit about myself and how this approach to rewiring your brain and getting rid of the mental blocks came about.
My original training was as an attorney and then I went in a very different direction by getting a Masters and Doctorate Degree in Holistic Health Sciences. I‘ve been a speaker and pioneer in the field of stress management for over 40 years and I’ve authored 9 books. Two of my latest books, Switched-On Selling and Switched-On Networking, became Bestsellers on Amazon.
My Brain Rewiring Approach
Since 1989, I’ve been using my brain rewiring approach called Brain Gym® to teach salespeople, network marketers and managers how to use my research validated, proven seminars to succeed far beyond their wildest dreams.
The attendees at these seminars wound up having immediate increases in their levels of success and effectiveness. I have to admit, for me personally, it’s actually pretty gratifying to see these results.
Tom Antion Plays a Role
I’ve known known multi-millionaire and Internet marketing guru Tom Antion, for over 20 years and as professional speakers we have presented on the same stage numerous times. I have seen that Tom is a straight shooter and tells it like it is!
Recently, while I was attending one of Tom’s famous Butt Camps about the newest and latest information you need to be a successful internet marketer, Tom shared something with me that I found very surprising.
Tom offers an intensive weekend training program in his mansion in Virginia Beach where he teaches students important aspects of Internet marketing and offers direct feedback and critique during this weekend. He shared with me that while his students leave feeling excited, very few of them actually implement what they have learned and it’s left him feeling very frustrated that they don’t end up accomplishing what they had intended at the end of his mentoring program.
Tom was familiar with my brain rewiring approach, so I went up to him during a break and I raised the possibility of creating an online streaming seminar using my rewiring concepts coupled with his understanding of the Internet marketing process to create a seminar tailored to meet your needs as an Internet marketer.
I showed him over 20 research validated studies that both my clients and I have conducted on the different Switched-On Seminars to prove the impact of this powerful approach.
I showed Tom the actual bottom line impact that a number of the companies I’ve worked with have reported as well as the transformations that individuals reported as they jumped to new levels of success.
I also told him how complimentary my work is with what he is teaching people to do; because it’s a brain rewiring approach it lets people immediately implement what he has taught them to do to succeed.
Tom witnessed the amazing results with his own eyes and he felt that with this dynamic between us we could dramatically increase your Internet marketing success.
So, we decided to collaborate to offer a unique program that would get the results Tom wanted folks to have by using the Brain Gym® methodology I was teaching in my other brain rewiring seminars. We joined forces and created the Switched-On Internet Marketing Seminar.
Tom and I decided to offer it as an online streaming course that would be so different, so unique, and so powerful that this would be the missing piece for Tom’s students and followers in their quest to become successful Internet marketers.
Brain Gym is a research validated personal technology that uses specific body movements and exercises to rewire your brain to accomplish your goals. This allows you to do the tasks you need to do to be a successful Internet marketer easily and effectively and it just takes minutes to switch you on!
Tom and I tweaked the course specifically for what an Internet marketer needs to do. And we shot the video at his Internet Marketing Training Center with a live audience of 10 participants – some were his students and the some were already Internet marketers.
Before we shot the video of the class, I had each attendee fill out a questionnaire so that I could validate the changes that I knew would happen to them by the end of the day. I also followed up with everyone a month later to make sure that the changes really stuck.
Here’s a video of Tom and I talking about the impact of the seminar and how he was blown away by the results of the research study I did. Watch it for yourself to see Tom’s total enthusiasm for this seminar.
Here’s what one of the attendees at the videoing of the seminar, Executive Consultant Helena Nyman, had to say about its impact on her and her business over the several months since the seminar took place.
“Jerry, you and your ‘Switched-on’ technique did some miracles on me! I’m finally involved with the process of web design and tracking the results of our Internet Marketing. It’s now a focused approach from my side, and it is exciting to collaborate with my team on the Internet Marketing Strategy.”
– Executive Consultant Helena Nyman
What are some of the thoughts and feelings that you’re having that are stopping you from reaching the levels of success you want to achieve as an Internet marketer?
Do any of these blocks sound familiar to you?
- Not being creative enough when designing your websites?
- Feeling blocked when you attempt to write effective sales copy?
- Wanting to avoid experiencing feelings of rejection and failure?
- Not feeling comfortable asking your visitors to buy from you?
- Feeling stuck when it comes time to produce your website?
- Having difficulty seeing yourself as a successful internet marketer?
Whatever is blocking your ability to move forward is directly related to your current brain wiring. Your wiring is stopping you from creating the level of accomplishment you want to achieve. By using the program that I’ve developed with Tom, you can learn how you can change your brain wiring in minutes to reach amazing levels of success.
Want more proof? Remember the study I said I conducted with the participants at the video shoot? Well, here’s a taste of the almost unbelievable results from the folks responding to one of the statements – I Easily and Clearly Understand and Can Explain My Purpose, Direction and Story.
Let me explain what this graph is showing. At the beginning of the seminar day, the attendees completed the questionnaire for the first time and 57% of the attendees selected Disagree (the yellow bar line). In addition, only 14% selected Agree and 14% selected Strongly Agree as their response.
This means that the majority (57%) were viewing themselves negatively on this statement. Do you think having 57% of the attendees not being able to talk about their story, direction and purpose would impact their effectiveness as an internet marketer? ABSOLUTELY!
Mind Blowing Results
So, here’s where it gets even more interesting. When we finished the class at the end of the day, not a single person was still on the negative side when they answered the questionnaire a second time. PLUS, 57% had now selected Agree (the blue stripped bar line) and 43% picked Strongly Agree!
Now this is where the impact of the results of the Switched-On Internet Marketing Seminar becomes totally mind blowing. A month later (the red bar line), 29% selected Agree and an amazing 71% selected Strongly Agree!
Have your ever attended a seminar where you left really excited, but you’ve only experienced a “seminar high” and after a period of time you reverted back to what you were doing before the seminar? This is not what happens with this seminar.
This means that by experiencing my brain rewiring methods, the attendees got even better! No seminar high effect! Just powerful results that kept improving after the end of the seminar.
Do you think this kind of very dramatic change would have an impact on your ability to tell your story and explain your purpose and direction on your website, in your emails, text messages and on social media? ABSOLUTELY!
Here’s what 3 of the participants at the video recording session had to say about the impact that this one day program had on them personally. To say their comments were powerful would be an understatement. Watch the videos so you can judge for yourself.
I want to tell you the story of Kevin Kordek, President of A-Active Termite and Pest Control Company in Virginia Beach, VA. During the middle of the recession, Kevin heard me speak to a group he belonged to called Entrepreneur’s Organization and he decided to have ½ his sales force attend a version of this seminar for salespeople called Switched-On Selling (SOS).
I specifically told Kevin to send his mid-level/mediocre salespeople to the class and he did.
Kevin was very heavily into tracking statistics and he discovered that 6 of the 8 people who attended the seminar immediately jumped above his top tier salespeople. They actually created a newer and higher top tier.
A few months later, I was doing the SOS Seminar again and Kevin put the rest of his sales force through the program. A year later, when the economy had begun to move into the slow recovery, I asked Kevin what were the results that he saw over that year?
He told me that his company’s profits had doubled, his company had become the #1 distributor in the country on two of his high end product lines and one of his sales people increased his sales by over 300%.Keep in mind that all this happened while other pest control companies were either going out of business or barely holding their own.
Of the 6 salespeople that originally jumped above Kevin’s top tier salespeople, 2 of them thought the SOS Seminar was a waste of time. Four months after the seminar Kevin sat them down in his office and showed them their statistics before the seminar and compared it to the tremendous increase in their stats that started immediately after the seminar.
Even these two guys finally admitted that it was the one-day seminar that made the difference in their sales figures.
So, this is not a seminar that you have to believe in for it to work! All you need to do is go through the experience and participate in each module and the rewiring will automatically happen. End result? No more mental blocks!
Recently, the world’s largest pest control company purchased Kevin’s company because they wanted to find out what he was doing that made his company such as standout in the industry. And as Kevin said to them, it was the Switched-On Selling Seminar that was a major key to their success!
For the Switched-On Internet Marketing Seminar, I took the same process as in the SOS Seminar and adapted it to fit what an internet marketer needs to overcome their mental blocks to succeed.
So I have one question for you – Would you be willing to spend your time taking an online seminar which will be unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before if it were guaranteed to switch you on bringing you to a dramatically higher level of internet marketing success?
That is precisely what The Switched-On Internet Marketing Online Seminar will do for you so long as you don’t just passively watch the videos in the modules. You need to participate along with the attendees to have this exciting and proven method for improving your marketing abilities work for you by your doing the Brain Gym® movements and exercises. The success is in the moving and doing…so, get up and join in!
This is the sixth research proven and validated seminar I have authored using the easy-to-learn and easy-to-do yet powerful Brain Gym system, which no other business oriented internet marketing training incorporates. My other seminars include: Switched-On Selling, Network Marketing, Start-up Entrepreneur, Advanced Entrepreneur and Management.
A friend of both Tom and myself, William T. Brooks, Sales Guru and owner of The Brooks Group, a multi-million dollar sales training company, brought me in to speak to him and his staff and here’s what he said about the seminar, “This one-day seminar will eliminate your personal barriers to being more successful.”
Have you ever attended a seminar that really delivers with these kinds of spectacular results?
I’m sure your response is PROBABLY NEVER. That’s what quickly attracted Tom to my approach. IT WORKS AND IT WORKS IMMEDIATELY!
I am so sure you will be blown away by the amazing results of this online course that we decided to offer you not a 30-day money-back guarantee but a full 60-day, no questions asked, 100% money-back guarantee.
This means you can begin to transform your internet marketing abilities in minutes and begin doing what you need to do to be a successful internet marketer. And You Can Start Right Now!
And You’ll Be Impressed With Your Results
… Or Your Money Back!
I do have one request concerning the 60-day money-back guarantee (it’s a request and not a requirement). Since you are going to find this online training to be so completely different than anything you have ever experienced, my request is that you at least finish half the modules before requesting a refund (the full course is close to 6 hours in length).
This will give you a chance to experience the changes in yourself so you can decide if it is worth continuing the program. That’s why I give you the 60-day money-back guarantee so you can take the time to discover what a powerful approach this is allowing you to succeed as an internet marketer.
Again, this is just a request for you to complete half the seminar and it is not a requirement to getting your money back. I just want you to experience the power of this seminar to work its magic on you!
By now, you’re probably asking what exactly is in the Switched-On Internet Marketing Online Seminar? What will I get and how can I get it?
By purchasing this online streaming course you’ll immediately:
- Receive the ability to take the 20 modules at your own pace
- Be able to download and print your 47 page participant seminar manual
- Take the Pre-Course, Post and One-month Later Questionnaire and see your results
- In addition you will receive these special Bonus gifts

You’ll receive a downloadable subliminal music mp3 file called Success For Salespeople. The music in this recording is by Steven Halpern and the subliminal messages are by me. They are subliminal which means they are below our threshold of being able to hear what is being said.
The music and the messages are designed to work with the subconscious part of your brain. Since it is subliminal, it means you don’t have to stop and listen to it. Just play it an hour a day when you are having to sell your product or service. It’s yours to keep even if you return the program.
Have you ever asked yourself? Why some ads & websites work better than others?
The answer is something you may have never thought about – it’s the ENERGY! Everything has an energy attached to it. It’s what makes you feel good or not about what you’re looking at and reading on a web page. This feeling can encourage someone to read your copy, or click off your website. In this streaming video of a live seminar I conducted, you’ll discover the hidden secrets for using this energy as a powerful tool to keep YOUR viewers reading YOUR copy and surfing YOUR web site and feeling good!
Many world class companies will not put out a product until it has been muscle checked, using the techniques provided in my streaming video. Some of these companies include Heinz USA, NASA, the US Navy and the United Nations.
Jack Canfield, co-author of the “Chicken Soup for the Soul” book series, has publicly stated, “we won’t release a single Chicken Soup product until it’s gone through the process developed by Dr. Teplitz, to make certain it is high energy!”
Dr. Teplitz has designed Creating High Energy Web Sites & PR Materials so that YOU can learn to do this for yourself – immediately. After watching this streaming video, you’ll be able to work with your graphic artist, web developer and copywriter in new ways to create a HIGH ENERGY website!
Since the course materials are so unique and different from what you have ever experienced before, I really want you to be able to understand the information and experience it. So, I will give you a special email address that will give you access to me for 60 days from the date of your purchase to ask me any questions that need answering to keep you moving towards success.
The Seven Minute Tune-Up is a way to start your day in only seven minutes, so that you are focused and energized to do what you need to accomplish during the day.
- You can also use it during the day if:
- You run low on energy
- You hit the afternoon slump
- A negative, stressful situation throws you off your game
The Seven Minute Tune-Up will get you re-energized and it will get rid of the impact of that stressful situation on you.
And all it only takes 7 minutes!
By now, you’re probably asking..
What exactly will I get in the
Switched-On Internet Marketing Online Seminar?
By purchasing this online streaming course, you’ll:
Receive access to the 47-page Participant Manual
Take the Pre-Course Questionnaire to see where you’re at now as a Start-Up Internet Marketer
Complete a questionnaire at the end of training to see how you’ve transformed
You’ll be able to complete a final questionnaire 30 days later, so you can confirm and reinforce that your transformations have really taken place
Special Pre-Sale Discount
While the regular retail price will be $797,
with your Special Pre-Release $300 discount,
your price for the Switched-On Internet Marketing
Online Seminar is only $497.
This offer is for a limited time only!
Today Only

Order with confidence on 100% secure servers
Use The Payment Option Below!
3 Monthly Payments of $199 (Totaling $597*)
Your First Payment is $199 Today
*Includes Service Charge
Order with confidence on 100% secure servers
Wishing you great success,
Jerry V. Teplitz, JD, PhD, CSP
P.S. Remember, Tom Antion won’t be recommending this course to you if he didn’t know that it will allow you to hit a home run and succeed as a successful internet marketer.
P.P.S. You’re still here. You’re obviously interested and you definitely don’t want to continue to struggle as an internet marketer. Because of our amazing 60-day Money-Back Guarantee take advantage of this opportunity right now as you have absolutely nothing to lose and everything you gain. Don’t miss out – secure this online course now!
“From terror to excitement in one day! Totally amazing! I can hardly wait to get out there!”
– Wendy Humphreys Tebbutt, Sunshine Coast, BC, Canada
“The Seminar was outstanding, and judging from our staff evaluation forms, they all thought so as well. The best part about the training is that results are instantaneous. This is an entirely new approach to training and one our group enjoyed and embraced. Thanks!”
– Jack Shuler, President, Pee Dee Farm Credit
“The program really works!”
– Warren McGowan
“I knew how to sell before I came to this class but didn’t want to. Now I have the want to contact my customers and present my products.”
– Darrell Campbell, Sr., Owner, Campbell Business Mach, Belle, WV
About Jerry V. Teplitz, JD, PhD, CSP

Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz is a graduate of Northwestern University School of Law, a
former attorney for the Illinois Environment Protection Agency, and he also has
received a Masters and Doctorate in Holistic Health Sciences.
Since 1974, Dr. Teplitz has been president of his own consulting firm. His clients have included many Fortune 500 companies, as well as, Entrepreneurs’ Organization, World Presidents’ Organization, IBM, Motorola and Holiday Inns.
Dr. Teplitz is also an internationally known professional speaker who has spoken to over one million people. He has earned the title “Certified Speaking Professional” from the National Speakers Association and was selected as an “Association Excellence Speaker” by the Canadian Society of Association Executives.
Dr. Teplitz is the author of several Amazon Bestseller books – Switched-On Selling and Switched-On Networking. Other books he’s written include Managing Your Stress in Difficult Times, Brain Gym for Business, and Switched-On Living.
He is the creator of the following Switched-On Seminars:
- Switched-On Selling
- Switched-On Network Marketing
- The Switched-On Start-Up Entrepreneur
- Switched-On Management
- Switched-On Internet Marketer
- The Switched-On Advanced Entrepreneur